Thursday, June 21, 2012

eritrea paradigm

" focus on subsistence farming and a boundless capacity for guerilla warfare"

surely the base for a liberated rural zone has an extendable use well into the post revolutionary society

but i was thinking a few steps later

but at any rate we agree about astage one i think

but say you have a signifigant urban under class population remaining ..and you will

my answer
here's where you leverage the metroples goo goo class and its missionary holy joes and janes

as you suggest
these remnants make excellent recruits to a standing urban based militia a levi en masse a hezi op

but they gotta be fed
i suggest we disguise them as hungry wretched post conflict innocent bewildered refugees
and bring in...yes .... the international aid fiends spies saboteurs and all

then gradually remove some of these para refugees step by step ..the best of em regrettably
to countryside

gotta be voluntary here and they gotta go to their own ---landlord liberated--- household plots
those able to farm that is

---- ya its a bummer i can make the first last
for sure
but to be a fully fledged Clio respecting carefully calculating agent of maximum change

i can't make the last first ---

at any rate

initial goal : get to where we are operating with as large a relative share of country livin' self feeders among the total population as possible ?

and it is in this dimension i think you answer question one :

how do you extract a social surplus product from subsisters ?

i claim
in hyper bukharinite fashion

...basically you don't

you don't extract anything not even ground rent

yes you as "the state" play socially motivated and responsible usurer
culivators loans at low rates are welcomed

and where and when sensible
the state gets paid back
with a certain pre arranged flexible participation
in the proceeds from the free sale of surplus product

if all you plan to get is farmers' woods persons' miners' and fishing folks' voluntary surplus
anyone and everyone else in society
better produce something these primary producers want to trade for

this is of course the great 18th century physiocratic class exchange
between primary producers out of nature's bounty
and products produced by your "sterile" city town and water side trader and artisan class
---- producer co ops are an easy step up here ---

but unlike 18th century economies
the artisans day laborers peddlars and skilled trades types
only have to produce for the farmers and themselves not for a leisure class

yes no primitive accumulation
not as in the initial 5 year plan eh ?

so these urban producers
make a compound class that itself ought to do spare and off time household urban gardening and chicken and pork raising

now once this self sufficient two class base population has more or less stablized its annual reproduction cycles
ie the ratio of artisans to farmers is stable land cultivation fully exploited and a hunk of the under class reemployed
you'll have a surplus population
ie a population with in effect a zero marginal social product
crowd some of em into production and you crowd out people already producing
or thin their work hours out by job time shares

"physicratically sustainable producers will rightly groan "

this is an equivalent social fraction as the one stalin sent to the gulags in the 30's
kulacks or sans cullottes
here the sans c
which hard headedly iscertainly in aggregate a lower productivity segment

now comes my corporate trans nat exploitation zones

the real product equivalent of wages and state subsidies paid to zone workers
must be supported by imports bought with hard currency earned in the zones themselves
yes some of it they'll consume themselves
once they move out of the aid supplied camps