Wednesday, June 6, 2012
"Times of madness dressed in good suits"? Nyet
Pk Hit out a nice line with that one
But it's deceptive unless...
Pk has to cut ice right now
Does he believe
long run MNC profit prospects
are negatively impacted
by more squeeze by the ECB and the rest of the troika?
Short run prospects?
If there is a perceived conflict between immediate profits and long term
Then for these statesmen of capitalism long run trumps short run
My guess the macronautics here is dictated by TS pruning as often stated
Plus import absorption bridling as often stated
This is an effort to preserve the leading arbitrage pathways also often stated here
What's new here ?
Calling on pk to prove it's more profitable to the leading MNCs
if the club meeds get a bail out and zone demand a big kick up