Wednesday, June 13, 2012

the two conflicting heads of a job kulack

he has his job
but he has his nest egg

whereas jobs are held one by one
and so long as you face no lay off...

but your nest egg is likely a socially integrated set of "assets"
that can all take a wack if ublic policy turns
to sdpending and borowing
to benefit the job class by creating in effect
  demand for more jobs

i already got one
but this borrowing ?
who's gonna pay that back ?


its hard to clear away the bramble of half assed insights that contend
 in a job person's hu-brain

laying out the two sides and seeing which set of policies is better for "moi"

is prolly beyond most spirits  capacity  let alone inclination

better to pick a certain aspect and give it decisive weight
and in this case a safe job suggests no more spending
tax hikes will follow