Monday, December 5, 2011

Italian Yields Are Collapsing

The yields on the Italian 10-year has fallen below 6.2%!

well maybe there won't  be one more fools' price   dip there


 "Markets clearly believe that the Europeans have found a formula that will make it possible for the ECB to step in and buy lots of Italian bonds.
I hope they’re right. "

 after all his hysterics ..he hopes so ???
i suggest a mea culpa and a recheck
 of his "vision thing "

reminds me of pk on commodity market dynamics

clearly he needs to reimagine "how this all fits and moves together over there
specifically who  how and why
moves the markets and "makes" the policy
the ECB isn't a bunch of  self apointed self purpetuating stubborn old dogmatists
 hanging by a sky hook above the euro zone
 armed with zeus's thunder bolt machine


they are in fact embedded in the leading "private"  eurobanks
they are appointed with the adive and consent of these same private banks
and at points of major decision
 they take "suggestions"
specifically fom the corporate guardian class
they take em and they implement em with exacting courtesy and careful follow thru
  just  like bell boys at a fancy  swiss hotel