Wednesday, December 7, 2011

world hub

As of the 2010 Census,
 the metropolitan area had a population of 22,085,649.

The Population density was 1,865 per square mile.

 25.5% were under 18,

 9.5% were 18 to 24 years,

 28% were 25 to 44 years of age,

26.6% were 45 to 64 years old,

 13.2% were over the age of 65.

Males composed 48.3% of the population

 females were 51.7% of the population.

97.7% of the population were in households,
 2.3% were in group quarters,
 1% were institutionalized.

 There were 8,103,731 households

 30.2 %  or 2,449,343 had children.

 46.1% or 3,736,165 were composted of opposite sex and married couples.

 Male households with no wife composed 4.9% or 400,534.

 15.0% or 1,212,436 were female households, with no husbands.

 34% or 2,754,596 were non-family households.

 The household density were 684 per square mile.

91.9% of housing units were occupied
 a 3.8% vacancy rate.

The average household size was 2.65 per household.

The average income for non-family households was $90,335,

the average income for families was $104,715.

 13.3% or 2,888,493 of the popluation were below the poverty line.

26.7% or 5,911,993 of the population were born outside the United States.

of foreign born

17.4% or 1,028,506 were born in Europe,

 27.0% or 1,595,523 were born in Asia,

 3.8% or 224,109 were born in Africa

, 0.2% or 11,957 were born in Oceania,

 50.6% or 2,992,639 were born in Latin America.