Thursday, October 27, 2016

PRC politburo grad grinding ?

  • Posted by Paine
    This overwhelmingly is a PRC story
    For years an implicit ” iron rice bowl. ” phobia
    Among leading cadre has blocked full on
    Society wide transfer systems
    Like we see in northern Europe
    Okay per capita ” value added ” is wildly lower
    But what prevents a generous direct payments system
    for pre job youth and post job age ?
    What prevents moves Cuba has made in health care ?
    Import food and feed not iron ore
    Of course construction is stunted by lot bubbles
    But half a billion still live in a material twilight that exceeds
    the necessary
    The politburo with its caution and niggardliness towards the peasantry
    is failing humanity
    Not just stressing global market economies

    Of course
    The transfer system has to be funded
    But a balance between pay out and tax take
    Is not an immediate concern
    An optimal phase in of higher tax funding can stretch over decades if necessary
    Despite our occidental dogmas on balancing ins and outs
    A socially managed economy has vast inter temporal flexibility
    The only constraints are real not monetary
  • Posted by Paine
    The transfer system has to be funded
    But a balance between pay out and tax take
    Is not an immediate concern
    An optimal phase in of higher tax funding can stretch over decades if necessary
    Despite our occidental dogmas on balancing ins and outs
    A socially managed economy has vast inter temporal flexibility
    The only constraints are real not monetary