Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Shoot off Spence's pecker ..u can tell a pig by his oink

Read the

"Exchange-rate transmission channel won’t do much good, because it does not augment aggregate demand; it just shifts demand around among countries’ tradable sectors."

Hoot hoot hoot 

Nothing better then a full round of deval versus deval

To shrink the real value of existing debt 

But spence would rather 

Cut  entitlement payments
That  generated deficits
thru public tax and transfer system 

Yup cut fiscal deficits not trade deficits

See any contradictions here comrades! 

And he even pretends to recommend demand enhance ment 

And don't imagine ole spence does not eithe
Because he knows just what he's up to 
Under all this buzz word hive swirl 

Hey the bastid even throws in " inequality "

Just to sex up the pig here 

This MNC cut out 
needs time in the virtual gulag