" What Brad is getting at is the widespread belief by, well, almost everyone that they are entitled to — have earned — whatever good hand they have been dealt by the market economy. "
This is reflected in the more or less universal belief of the affluent that they deserve what they have; "
Note market economy not brads capitalist market economy
Here hamlet let alone being absent from the action
isn't even the name of the play
But Hey look again at the last line
maybe he's going after the big rent hogs like Wilbur Ross !
"you could see this in the rage of rentiers at low interest rates, because it’s the Federal Reserve’s job to reward savers, right? "
NOPE affluent not rich but at least it's about unearned income
Not the tacit and universalized
job compensation system as the only system explicitly faulted for
Generating too variable rent shares
Job markets under capitalism are naughty
Whatever !
Here's the fateful thunderbolt
At the white trash Klanish kan Klangs
" In this terrible political year, the story was in part one of
people in Appalachia
angrily demanding a return of the good jobs they used to have mining coal "
Not really it's the anger of those job losers
callously wiped out
A righteous rage
That the whole proces is immoral
Blighted communities
Where's the Job like acceptance ?
Do not question the market God almighty
This is reflected in the more or less universal belief of the affluent that they deserve what they have; "
Note market economy not brads capitalist market economy
Here hamlet let alone being absent from the action
isn't even the name of the play
But Hey look again at the last line
maybe he's going after the big rent hogs like Wilbur Ross !
"you could see this in the rage of rentiers at low interest rates, because it’s the Federal Reserve’s job to reward savers, right? "
NOPE affluent not rich but at least it's about unearned income
Not the tacit and universalized
job compensation system as the only system explicitly faulted for
Generating too variable rent shares
Job markets under capitalism are naughty
Whatever !
Here's the fateful thunderbolt
At the white trash Klanish kan Klangs
" In this terrible political year, the story was in part one of
people in Appalachia
angrily demanding a return of the good jobs they used to have mining coal "
Not really it's the anger of those job losers
callously wiped out
A righteous rage
That the whole proces is immoral
Blighted communities
Where's the Job like acceptance ?
Do not question the market God almighty
"what Brad is saying, I think, is that what those longing for the return to coal want is those jobs they deserve, where they earn their money — not government handouts, no sir."
Fair is new jobs that pay well
not old jobs now obsolete
Fair is new jobs that pay well
not old jobs now obsolete
Note the sanctimonious secular Calvinism embedded in this phrase
" A fact-constrained candidate "
" A fact-constrained candidate "
" But is that really all there is? Working-class Trump voters do, in fact, receive a lot of government handouts " — they’re almost totally dependent on Social Security for retirement, Medicare for health care when old, are quite dependent on food stamps, and many have recently received coverage from Obamacare"
These other then food stamps and the health exchange subsidy
are "earned benefits " tied to employment not relative household impoverishment
". Quite a few receive disability payments too. "
Wow where is this serpents lingo pointing ?
" they don’t want those benefits to go away. "
" But they managed to convince themselves (with a lot of help from Fox News etc) that they aren’t really beneficiaries of government programs, or that they’re not getting the “good welfare”, which only goes to Those People."
Awesome ! Paul
"It has to be about culture and, as always, race."
The white trash " other "
" The bad other "
is your unaknowledged euro blood brother Paul
Self loathing disguised as moral judgement ?
I only wish it were so