Tuesday, December 20, 2016

"t is, psychologically, very hard for most of us to feel like we are being takers: that we are consuming more than we are contributing, and are in some way dependent on and recipients of the charity of others"

Charity of others ?

"It is also, psychologically, very hard for most of us to feel like we are being saps: 
that others are laughing at us as we  toil and  yet do not get to consume all  we have produced." 

Say exploitation ?

No  not exploitation
Better this :

My agreement
to a given " market determined " wage
in exchange for providing
 ---- use value and exchange value producing--
   Job  work
-----Much like  ..your wage agreement perhaps ----

Was/ is / will be
For both of us

  an act of " charity " on our part
  towards the stockholder et al " others " that gather in the exchange value residue

That is if we give more then we get
As we must in this " capitalist market system " we are "embedded in"