Saturday, November 5, 2016

Haiti needs two and a half million new jobs ...enter Caracol industrial park and the Clinton brand

" Possibly the most enduring criticism of the Clinton Foundation's work in Haiti
 stems from its signature project, a garment factory known as the Caracol Industrial Park.
The foundation, working with the Clinton State Department, helped arrange a US-subsidised deal with the Haitian government to build the $300m factory complex in 2012.
Several hundred farmers were evicted from their land to make way for the 600-acre manufacturing site, which produces clothes for retailers such as Old Navy, Walmart and Target.
South Korean textile giant Sae-A Trading Co, which is the main employer at the facility, subsequently donated between $50,000 to $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation.
Mr Clinton declared 100,000 jobs would be created "in short order".
But the Caracol Industrial Park has created only 8,000 jobs."

Some history

the early 1980s, the garment sector in Haiti was a significant source of employment.  But since then, employment in the sector had dropped dramatically due to embargoes, instability, and lack of investment. " 

Today there are 35 k  garment jobs in Haiti .....

Potential ?