"... a quantitative interpretation of financial intermediation in the U.S. over 140 years"
measuring the cost of intermediation on the one hand, and the production of financial services on the other."
(i) intermediation is produced under constant returns to scale
; (ii) “quality” adjustment for changes in borrowers’ characteristics are important;
(iii) the unit cost of intermediation in the U.S. economy has historically been around 2%
(i.e., creating and maintaining one dollar of intermediation costs about 2 cents)
; (iv) the unit cost of intermediation is higher today than it was a century ago, and it has increased over the
; (iv) the unit cost of intermediation is higher today than it was a century ago, and it has increased over the
past 30 years."
One interpretation:
".... improvements in information technology
may have been cancelled out
by increases in other financial activities
whose social value is difficult to assess."
One interpretation:
".... improvements in information technology
may have been cancelled out
by increases in other financial activities
whose social value is difficult to assess."