Saturday, July 7, 2012

profit arbitrage is not the simple demonic agent of rapid price adjustments
we  marketter fans might like it to be

the sort of fast shuffles that lead to  conceptual  steady states
 with zero enterpise profits
ie surplus  is only "structural " rents like ground rent
basic wage rates and riskless rates of interest
don't exist in dynamic reality

nope we live in a  market system that has quasi rent "pools"
 accumulating and decumulating everywhere
and in most cases  ever so slowly

the obvious incentive of private capitalism
is not to abreviate but to  prolong the quasi rent flows
for the greatest time possible

enter the vultures

vulture capital is about busting up these internally constructed rent sumps
 and handing out the capitalized expected sum of these quasi rents
 to first of all... themselves and then to their " partners " and ass hole
passive private investors
using junk bonds to suck out the rent sumps

moving a rent sump outside a corporation can be a win win
if key  insiders can be compensated ...bribed  into going alone

in fact given their highly relavent core competency
inside mangers often discover the outside sources
guys like mitt are pure enablers
and public purse thieves
in the lbo /ipo tick tock