Wednesday, July 18, 2012

sighing at sims

"In the US, things may be working out as well as they are
 precisely because the long-term returns from US debt are at least uncertain."
so  nobel guy simzzzedale sez


" real, coherent, coordinated fiscal and monetary policy with forward guidance could no doubt do better. "

"The current situation creates unnecessary, large amounts of uncertainty about policy."
an unintended plea for   something like the " full paine  mark up market "
                                                                                         C and L's MAP ?

back ground on certain and uncrtain paths:

 let' start  where  our tacit  hard money mania leads us:

"sustainability of positive real debt requires that primary surpluses are positive on average over time."

yup  simple simon's  fiscal space squeeze
you gotta have something left over
after all the  cycles
a little less spending then taxing to pay out a  real return

if the maxim  of choice is ....
 nominal public debt  must carry

--even if de minimis--- 

 if we insist on a " real return"
   the  value of total uncle debt pay back
                             must end up
                              "slightly above "
                             the full inflation  compensation line
we can not reliable insure  full employment for ever

nothing prevents structural deficits at full employment right ?

trade gaps excessive private accumulation etc etc ...

rectification may only get p[art way
  b4   new structural problems  emerge

no balance between necessary deficits and possible full employment surpluses
is assured

no long term fiscal balance will  emerge magically
we can couple with assured perminent full employment

we must have some finacial repression some negative returns on some uncle debt


 how about the simpler zero loss guarantee
no negative aggregate value change on public issuesheld
by a single investing unit
   over  the existence of any finite  investor unit ?

a zero loss  in aggregate  insurance policy

 back to derr Zimzle :

"Fiscal policy can, if described properly, remedy the problem
 that announcements of commitments to future monetary policy actions
  may not be credible if there is no corresponding current policy action.

       Major fiscal policy interventions, accompanied by
  a discussion of their implications
   for inflation and for future monetary policy,
                           might have a better chance at being believed."
and thus effective

you bet

there must always be repression:

" discussion of government debt and deficit policy
 has tended to be in real terms,
 with no explicit acknowledgment that the debt
 will be reduced in part by inflation"

of course it will it must be to sustain public finance
the implicit repression policy has to be implicit
a dirty elite secret

we  in the knows
   all pretend to adhere to hard money goals eh ?

ie an explicit negative real return policy is verboten

inflation as a policy tool must be tacit

if  the actual mass response
to product inflation must  remain

 a simple

" inflation....baaaahd "


general comment

despite this very astute review of NK model worlds by sims

with its  outline of  both the reflections and non  reflections
 within the  NK  world of  aspects of the real one out there

the whole operation strikes me as way too  fouled up
   by the voodoo curse of its  expectational pre occupations

fear of what free pricers producers and spenders
 " might do"
 in response  to policy moves
is really fear of its own shadow

sims why not scrap laissez faire pricing ?

precisely because this stance
refuses to let the state
 coherently "coordinate"
the  national production system
         make  the NPS  work
        as if there really was
             but one  agent in the system