Sunday, July 29, 2012

Simon Wren-Lewis.....mocking his block off ...fair ?

prolly not

read enough posts and u realize
the guy likes diving
 under the surface
      over at the  NK olympic pool

in particular
just a couple days ago
   the june bug macronomist
           came up with this  bag of tainted  pearls  :

"If I had to characterise New Keynesian theory by one thing, it would be the analysis of economies where the real rate of interest ( RIR )
differed from the ‘natural’ real rate. "
definition of natural RIR :
"The natural rate is the real interest rate that would obtain if output was determined by an RBC model "


start with a " ‘wrong’ real interest rate"
" use an  imperfect competition formalism 
voila  "New Keynesian analysis "
"determines output and perhaps employment only from the demand side"
ie "the determination of effective demand becomes critical to the model"
 which implies this sound  gadget  NK  rigorously demonstrates in its "world"
"if real interest rates are at their natural level, we do not need to think about demand when calculating output."
" it's  the job of monetary policy to try and get the economy back to this natural real interest rate. "
comes the pull  quote ...the one that puts all  the money
our  NK-niks have
right on the line:
"getting to the natural real rate is " why, ZLB problems apart,
  NK ers say " it is monetary rather than fiscal policy that is the primary stabilising policy. "

" In the New Keynesian model, business cycles are generally an intertemporal mismatch between demand and supply (unless, for some reason, we get stuck with demand deficiency)."
and we often do get so "stuck "
" What is the relevant price that influences this intertemporal allocation of demand?"
 "the real interest rate, not the price or wage level. "
"if we think about New Keynesian economics as being about some price being wrong, that price is the real interest rate."

this all
" suggests why monetary rather than fiscal policy is the policy of choice for stabilisation. "
whereas  in IS-LM 
"...both fiscal and monetary policies look as good as each other ..."
bingo a better yet pull quote
savour that last bit call it hicks  instrument neutrality
now ask why might corporate earth prefer a monetary based macronautics ?
yup.... see kalecki

reification alert !

remember regardless which model  you are viewing
"its only a gadget ...its only a gadget "